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  • Interview with Sviatlana TsikhanouskayaBelarus is struggling, Interview with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
    We interviewed Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, leader of the Belarusian opposition and recognized as President-elect in the elections held in her country in 2020, the day before she left for the NATO summit held on 9-11 July in Washington in the United States. In the interview we tried to take stock of the situation in her country and what European countries are doing for Belarus. How important a democratic and independent Belarus is in today context. War in […]
  • Lithuanian Song Festival 2024-Dainų Šventė in KaunasLithuanian Song Festival, huge event for the 100th Anniversary
    The park resounds with music and songs. The rehearsal of musicians and singers preparing for the biggest event of the summer in Lithuania: the centenary of the Lithuanian Song Festival. Dainų Šventė in Lithuanian. WATCH THE VIDEO Lithuanian Song Festival 2024 – Opening Concert in Kaunas The first was held in 1924 in Kaunas, then the country was the temporary capital. The opening concert is scheduled for […]
  • Brave Griffin 2024-II, military exercise in LithuaniaBrave Griffin 2024: year of huge exercises in Lithuania
    Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine has significantly changed the plans of NATO members. In particular, for those countries that are located on the Eastern flank of the Alliance’s territory and border the Russian Federation. WATCH OUR VIDEO Brave Griffin 2024-II in Lithuania Between April and June this year the Lithuanian Armed Forces announced “…One of the largest and most intense […]
  • NATO in Lithuania, interview with Peter Nielsen, commander NFIUNATO’s tasks on Eastern flank. Interview with Commander NFIU Lithuania
    After the outbreak of the large-scale war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, NATO rethought its strategies on the Eastern European flank. But what is happening in Lithuania in particular? Is an attack against the Baltics really possible? How is the Atlantic Alliance organizing itself? We interviewed Colonel Peter Nielsen, who heads the NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU). WATCH THE VIDEO […]
  • Lithuania, rally for Ukraine-Anniversary full scale Russian war
    Two years after the full-scale Russian attack on Ukraine, Lithuania rallied to shout loud that support for the attacked country must not wane. But it must continue stronger than ever. WATCH THE VIDEO Many events took place in all Lithuanian cities, not only on February 24, the day the attack was launched two years ago, but also throughout the entire week. HUGE RALLY IN VILNIUS The largest rally took place in the […]
  • Lithuania, 20 years in NATO remembering the Summit in Vilnius
    In 2024 Lithuania celebrates its 20th anniversary as a member of NATO. It was an important step for the country that regained its independence in 1990. It was not a given that Lithuania could be part of the Alliance but the strong determination of Lithuanians made it possible. WATCH THE VIDEO Vilnius NATO Summit, July 2023 In July 2023 the last NATO summit took place in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. It was […]

The Lapteviečiai project – Voices from the Silence

You don’t get to choose the stories you tell. They choose you. They are there, in plain sight. Like Poe’s Purloined Letter, you don’t see them. Then, little by little, as an imperceptible destiny, your eyes meet them more and

Lithuania Today

We visited Lithuania for the first time in June 2005. The country had become a member of the EU just over a year before, together with the other two Baltic States: Latvia and Estonia. It is difficult to know exactly

About us

Marina Macrì Journalist and photographer, is currently responsible of the editorial services at P.M. Studio and its website, dedicated to the world of Photo- graphy. She has produced a series of travel reports in different countries like Georgia, Lithuania,

About Lithuania

Lithuania is a small country and covers an area of 65.300 square kilometres. If we compare it to Italy, the whole Lithuanian territory is similar to Veneto, Lombardy and Piedmont, all together.

It has less than 3 million people. There are over 600.000 Lithuanians who live abroad. A fifth reside in the United Kingdom, 5.8% in the USA. The Lithuanian American Community is the biggest in the world: about 700.000 people reside there.

Most of Lithuania is flat, with many forests and lakes. The Curonian Spit (Neringa in Lithuanian) is the Western border of the country. It is an amazing peninsula that divides the Curonian Lagoon form the Baltic Sea. Neringa is a long and narrow strip of land, 98 kilometres, 52 of them in Lithuanian territory. The rest belongs to Russia. It is Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave that borders with Lithuania.

At three o’clock in the morning of June 14th 1941, on Moscow’s orders, deportation began simultaneously in the three Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Chekists were mobilized in Belarus, Smolensk, Pskov… An unbroken chain of overcrowded trains, one after another, was heading East, carrying people, who for most part, would never return home.

Dalia Grinkevičiūtė

Special thanks to Agnė Buckutė, responsible for the website, for helping us with this project.

Marina and Edo

Special thanks to Elena Refraschini, teacher and journalist, for helping us in English.

Marina and Edo