We met Ludo Segers in Vilnius. Belgian photographer and journalist, mainly specialized in portraits and landscapes, but also in other photographic disciplines, he was exhibiting some of his works. In particular a beautiful report on the “Beguinages”.
The community, made up only of women, today as in the past leads a secluded life in neighborhoods where houses are located besides other buildings where monastic activities take place. The beguinage is widespread in Belgium, the Netherlands, and in the northern regions of France and north-western Germany.
Passionate about photography since he was a child, Ludo has cultivated his interests through art and graphics studies. His works are mainly documentary reportages that aim to tell particular stories or situations. He is also a portrait photographer both in black and white and in color. He frequently visits Lithuania, a country to which he is very close. As he himself explains in our interview.
His photos can be seen in publications, galleries, exhibitions, and homes around the world. In addition to his photographic work, Ludo is a mentor at MoMA’s course “Seeing Through Photographs”.
Observer magazine wrote:
“Ludo Segers’ photography reaches out to that which lies deep inside us. It can make you hear silence, feel the spirit of places and their alone-ness, especially in the béguinages. The spaces and places in his photos all possess an internal life. They uncover the footprints of the past and challenge us to reclaim the essence of our existence,” observed Yolita René, an independent curator of the exhibition ‘Paris-Vilnius, a spectacular silence’ (about the Covid lockdown in 2020).
Stylist Véronique Lejeune, said, “Is Ludo Segers a photographer or philosopher? Probably both. Each photo has a subtle balance beyond what is accurate. Somehow, he manages to slip some intimate element of time into them. Gaétan Picon described it as, “L’admirable tremblement du temps…”