Lithuania is preparing the next NATO summit that will hold in Vilnius on July 11-12. We Interviewed Egidijus Meilūnas, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania.
Issues on the agenda: new NATO strategy, reinforcing of eastern flank, strengthening the support to Ukraine. “I cannot imagine a long lasting peace in Europe and possibilities to provide security for European continent without Ukraine’s membership in NATO”, said the Vice Minister.

The choice to hold the summit in Lithuania is a clear sign to Russia and the recognition of Lithuania as valuable ally.
Mr. Meilūnas answered about the NATO’s center of gravity, the more importance of the eastern flank of NATO, the role of NATO and the European Union in the Russian war against Ukraine, the new rules of the Alliance to contrast the aggressivity and brutality of the Russia Federation and the future of Ukraine as member of NATO.
“…There is a need to change our strategy, to forward defense preventing Russia as again the most significant relative threat to the Alliance, even about thinking on the possible confrontation or attack against NATO” said Mr. Meilūnas.
“…it’s very clear that we have to set up a clear pathway for Ukraine’s membership, future membership in NATO, and we have also to understand very clearly that Ukraine is going to be a huge asset Ukraine membership in NATO, huge asset for all of us”.
In 2024 Lithuania will celebrate its 20th year anniversary of being full pledged member in NATO.

We made the interview before the latest event in Russia and the conflict between the Russian Army and Wagner leader.