Anniversary of the attack by the Soviets on January 1991

The night between January 12 and 13, 1991 Mr. Gorbačëv decided going into action. Since the declaration of independence by Lithuania on March 11, 1990 USSR had been attempting to regain the rebel country destroying the already poor Lithuanian economy. It couldn’t make it. USSR sent elite troops and many tanks to protect the sovereignty of Soviet Union. But Lithuania was an occupied country by the USSR!

Commemoration at th TV Tower, Vilnius
Commemoration at the TV Tower, Vilnius

The Red Army with weapons and tanks occupied the TV Tower where many unarmed people had gathered to protect it. Fourteen people died. The TV was silenced and began to broadcast classic music. The Soviet troops also surrounded the Soviet Supreme, now the Parliament. Peaceful people decided to go down in the streets to protest against that latest proof of strength by the Soviets, and they built many barricades all around the Parliament. In those terrible days, 31 years ago, the Lithuanian government was barricaded themselves inside the building waiting for the attack by the Red Army. Thousands of people in front of the building defended the independence.

Lithuanians won.

Commemoration at the Parliament, Vilnius. January 2022

Every year Lithuania remembers those tragic events in different part of the country. Especially in the capital. Those days are dedicated to everyone who lost their life fighting for freedom.

Our report from different places in Vilnius: TV Tower, Parliament of Lithuania, Independence Square, and finally Antakalnis Cemetery.



Freedom Defenders Day 2022, our report from Vilnius

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