Just six days to the great opening of Kaunas2022, European Capital of Culture. This time we are going to know one the most important topic of the event: Modernism.

Officers’ Club, built in the thirties by the Lithuanian architects, Kudokas and Kova-Kovalskis. There’re similarities with Italian modernism. The doors, for example, are very similar to those of the Palazzo dell’Aeronautica in Rome

Kaunas is a city with a huge heritage of buildings and palaces in the Modernism style. They are about six thousand. An incredible number if you considered that Kaunas is not a big city! The aim of the project is the creation of a modernist community, which contributes for the interpretation of the architecture, and for the knowing its history.

Walking all around the city we can admire many modernist houses, and palaces, private or institutional sites. The goal is to make this heritage known not only to the local community, but also to the rest of the world.

Central Post Office. Maybe the most famous building in Kaunas. Symbol of the Modernism. During the European Capital of Culture year, many exhibitions and performance will be inside that palace

From the January 22, 2022, date of the opening, and along the year, there will be many events and works created by Lithuanian artists and others came from different countries. Special place in Kaunas, and where many exhibitions will be implemented, is the Central Post Office, symbol of the Kaunasian modernism, that local community and even tourists and casual visitor have learnt to love. During the year of Capital of Culture, it will be even possible to stay in some apartments furnished in modernist style. A real dive in another era!

We interviewed Žilvinas Rinkšelis, coordinator of the project “Modernism for The Future”.


Žilvinas Rinkšelis, coordinator of the project “Modernism for The Future”
Waiting Kaunas2022, Modernism: the program

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